SundaySound #51 – Nippon Manju


Immer wieder sonntags *sing*
(That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert)

Today I’m very late. Because of this and because of today’s song:

Just no comment…


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Last sunday I started a little raffle. No one entered it.
So I decided to prolong the raffle.

Here are the conditions once more:

Answer my question in a comment and you can win a CD worth of 10€.

If you win you tell me which CD you like to have. I will buy it and send it to you – indifferent where you live. You just have to leave a valid E-Mail-Adress – and the answer of my question – with your comment.

So here is my question:

Which Sunday Sound do you like most till now and why?

The raffle will end on August the 22th (next Saturday) at 18 o’clock (German time; UTC+01:00).

So good luck and have fun! :D

And – like always:
Rock on! \m/

Oh and here are two Youtube-Playlists with all SundaySounds: #1 – #25 #26 – 50


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