SundaySound #05 – Früher war alles besser

Immer wieder sonntags *sing*
(That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert)

SundaySoundIt’s time for a bit german medieval metal (or rock – I’m not sure). I don’t know if someone form out of Germany knows Saltatio Mortis, but they’re a nice band :D The song I want to present today is called – translated into English – „Everything was better in the old days“.

Alea (voc.) for example sings, that the ice within drinks didn’t melt („Und in Drinks schmolz nie das Eis“). He gives some more examples for things, which were not really better or worse in the old days. Therefore the song says that everyone, who believes that everything was better in the old days, is an moron.

Maybe there are some things that we want back, but I think most ordinary things aren’t really bad or became worse than before.


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Rock on \m/


Thanks to PoiSonPaiNter for proofreading.
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