Immer wieder sonntags *sing*
(That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert)
I love Disney-movies! One of the cutest movies is „Brother Bear„. And like the most movies by Disney, „Brother Bear“ also has an awesome soundtrack. Weiterlesen
You see: Today I present the 50th Sunday Sound to you.
Reasons enough for me to start a little raffle.
Answer my question in a comment and you can win a CD worth of 10€.
If you win you tell me which CD you like to have. I will buy it and send it to you – indifferent where you live. You just have to leave a valid E-Mail-Adress – and the answer of my question – with your comment.
So here is my question:
Which Sunday Sound do you like most till now and why?
The raffle will end on August the 15th (next Saturday) at 18 o’clock (German time; UTC+01:00).
So good luck and have fun! :D
And – like always:
Rock on! \m/
Oh and here are two Youtube-Playlists with all SundaySounds: #1 – #25#26 – 50
Immer wieder sonntags *sing*
(That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert)
It’s summer. And in the summer there are not only great sun, heat and vacations. In the summer there are also great movies at the cinema. Sometimes at least… Weiterlesen
Immer wieder sonntags *sing*
(That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert)
Yesterday was the „Noch ein Bier Fest“ and it was nice ;)
More about it at Thursday (in German). Weiterlesen
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Im Netz bin ich oft unter dem Namen DarkFairy anzutreffen, aber eigentlich heiße ich Marina. Hier gebe ich meinen Senf v.a. zu den ThemenbereichenNachhaltigkeit, Veganismus, Diversität und Gleichberechtigung dazu - egal ob als Rezensionen, Rezepte oder was auch immer...
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